I authored or co-authored over 10 internationally recognized research papers in the field of acoustics and audio engineering. The scientific knowledge of sound allows me to have a deeper understanding of creating, performing and perceiving music.

In 2014, I enrolled in Acoustic Engineering course at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. As an undergraduate and graduate student, I carried out research in musical acoustics, analyzing physics of instruments such as glass harmonica, drums and piano. In 2019, I started a PhD course where I focus on spatial audio, in particular multidimensional modeling of directivity of sound sources and receivers, investigating the advantages of imagining frequency as fourth spatial dimension. In 2021-2023, I was the Principal Investigator in the project "Continuous representation of direcitvity patterns in acoustics using four-dimensional basis functions” funded by National Science Centre.

I defended my PhD with honours on March 25th 2024.

More information on my scientific career can be found on ResearchGate, ORCiD or LinkedIn.

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